Saturday 21 May 2011

How do we save the world?

Could it be that the world doesn`t need saving? Could it be that our idea that somebody/something outside of us needs "saving" is nothing but a reflection of our own insecurities?

Or at least that was my answer when a friend asked me the other day, what should we do in order to save the world. She said that others answered with "God" or "the judgement day" which more likely were meant for a joke than for a real solution.

If you look outside of you and you see something you don`t like couldn`t it be that it`s actually something inside you have a problem with? Life is life, regardless of the way you perceive it. One might look at it disappointed because he is mirroring his past mistakes and failures, his struggle and heartbreak. And of course life will seem like a torment. Another will simply take pleasure in the small things, the green of the spring, the song of the birds, the smell of the ocean, and life will seem like a blessing. Same life, two different approaches.
Of course that the one who sees life from a material perspective will feel the need to "save" something or somebody. But that because inside he feels the need to be saved as well. While the other will realize that life is perfect just the way it is, and it needs no changing.
Desire for changing or for self-perfecting can only be caused by the inner emptiness, one`s insecurities.

The same question can be answered from a different perspective. At the surface we are all different, with qualities and defects that make us unique. However at a deeper level we are all the same. We are made from the same material, we breathe the same air, we have the same spark that keeps things in motion. It`s only our "persona" that is different, our ego. And it`s this persona, this role we socially play, that makes us different, or at least tries to.

When you are living in the whole, when you are one with the ones around you and with the whole world, do you still think that the world needs changing? No, because you realize you are the source, the alpha and omega. You are just as responsible for what is going on outside than as the next one in line. If the world really needs saving, then what else can you do then "save yourself". The world is a mere reflection of your own thoughts and feelings.

When you are living as an individual, when you see yourself as a body & mind different from the others, then your ego starts to tell a story, the story of a world in turmoil, with people who do good things and with people who do bad things, a world that needs a "hero". And who else can be that hero but yourself? ;)

Problem is that as long as you live as a "fraction" there is no way you can be that hero. Regardless of what you do, other people, other "fractions", will consider your actions as good or bad according to "their" perception. Like Sartre used to say, "hell is other people". So your "saving" might appear as exactly the opposite. A clash of individualities will never solve the world problems.

What might save the world? The birth of a new mankind, a man who sees himself not as the drop but as the ocean, a man who doesn`t try to save the world for he knows that he is the world.

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