Wednesday 18 May 2011

Assume responsibility for one`s actions.

Two nights back after I went to sleep, was laying in bed and my mind started to wander around, like per usual as to what minds do.
And the train of thoughts went towards my relationships. Well, it was actually racing towards why my latest have not been very successful. For example, the last one I had feelings for was a great girl - smart, funny, beautiful, you name it. However she had the habit of keeping me at a distance, which is normal considering how hard is to put your trust into other people nowadays, at least for some who might feel like they have something to loose.
Or it might be that, because she was that smart is why she kept me at a distance ;)
And so, I was laying in bed, couldn`t sleep and started to think, why couldn`t she be more "the way I wanted her to be". Why couldn`t she make me feel more appreciated, more loved, why didn't she act more, why didn't she take more responsibility and why not show some initiative.
And all this time I was letting my thoughts get the best of me. And that is exactly what they did. Until I realized what was happening, I realized my thoughts we`re "getting under my skin", and so I got up and went to do the dishes lol.
And while doing that my intuition bumped me over the head. And a new thought came into my mind, "Andrei, why do you play the role of the guy who runs after something and not get it, instead of playing the role of somebody who gets what he wants".
And this was so simple and so obvious that it made me have one of those "wow" moments. When we let life interfere, it does know best. And usually the "truth" is simple. Its we who like to make life complicated.
It was my ego there in bed who was starting to tell a story about a guy who simply cant have a meaningful relationship. And like somebody said a while back, "if it require thoughts, its not real"...
And that is what opened my mind.
And no I`m not saying that playing a different role is the answer to my problem. Or yours. Or everybody else`s. Playing a role is simply feeding into your ego. What I`m saying is, trust your intuition, trust your presence, and ultimately trust life. Dont put weight on your thoughts for they are not real
You dont like something, you are free to choose differently. Of course it would be so much easier to blame "her", or "him", or "mom" or "dad". However, not assuming responsibility for one`s life it`s the best way to keep running from life itself.

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