Saturday 10 August 2019

The mind is the past. The heart is the present.

Thoughts are the result of past actions and knowledge. They feed you the same old story.

Many of them speak about a character in here who needs to defend from the cruel world out there. They are a defence mechanism who can turn to offence when its stories are being threatened by an outside stimulus.
The rest of the thoughts are just as well, playing the same tape on a loop, and hoping to get different results by doing the exact same thing.
Some of them are happy, others are about worries and anxiety.

The mind is interested in being safe. Even when the mind is apparently thinking about the new, this new needs to be in between certain boundaries, not to get you out of the comfort zone or not too much at least. You need to be able to get back to safety if any danger appears. Danger to the story we build about our "selves" that is.

If you take a moment to watch your thoughts you will notice they feel like a contraction. On the open sky of the awareness, they appear like a dot, which can grow bigger and bigger darkening your whole visual spectrum until you become lost in them.

The mind is loud, it needs to be heard. Feels like it is compensating for something. It is scared not to be contradicted. It is scared not to disappear. It is afraid that... It doesn't exist.

Being lost in your mind, your past becomes your present and your future. Nothing changes. Not really.
A cage.

The heart is the opposite.

It is usually quiet.
It does not speak in words but in sensations and feelings. Some are pleasant. Some are not. Either way, it is a language different than that of the mind. Some say it is the language of the universe.
The heart shows you things as they are and not how the mind pretends they are.
The heart is about being brave, getting out of the comfort zone, showing you what you need to work on, what past traumas you have hidden in the dark corners of your psyche.
The heart likes to take risks. It likes the new, the real new, not the "acceptable" new.
The heart likes differences: different situations, different people, different ways to feel joy and even different ways to feel hurt.

The heart is about growth. The mind is about staying the same.
The heart is about action. The mind is about reaction.
The heart is about love. The mind is about resentment.
You get the picture.

In the end, life is about learning. It's not meant to be an never-ending paradise. We left the Garden of Eden because it was getting too boring.

So what is the greatest tool we have to listen to Life? The mind says love is blind but the heart knows what it really needs.


I wrote this down as it helps me make a clearer picture of everything. Maybe it helps you as well.
I'm aware that the above is an oversimplification of what is really going on but it is a place to start.
There are no such entities or bodily functions as "mind" and "heart".

Mind is a metaphor for being lost in thought-content.
For being lost.

Heart is a metaphor for staying with the sensations/feelings.
And being one with everything.

Thursday 25 July 2019

Let's continue

It's been a while. Some years. Maybe more.
I am not the person I was before. Well, I am not "a person" anymore.

Not sure I should keep on writing in this blog. Maybe start anew and discard the old.
But the old is still my journey and I cherish it with all my heart.

So let's continue.

On thoughts and the spiritual search and thoughts about the spiritual search and just thoughts and just spiritual search...

The "search" is not done by a "me" either.
It is just being done.
The thought "who thinks this thought" is still just a thought, independent of a self.
There is just awareness of thoughts and sensations and that's it.
Sometimes thoughts (+/- sensations) roll on creating stories and reactions.
That because, somewhere, there is identification with those thoughts and stories.
Somewhere there is a belief.
Belief: an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof. 

Without proof.

Find the beliefs.
Let them speak.
Let them go.

Enjoy the space created in their place.

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