Thursday 30 June 2011

I choose chaos

What are the consequences anyway? To be regarded as madman? To have fingers pointed at you? To have people asking why cant you be more like "the rest"? Why cant you do as we did? Why aren't you "normal"? What is wrong with you?
I was reading some quotes by Jim Morrison with a friend of mine and she said he was a rebel and his ideas were unacceptable from a social point of view.
I looked at them and I seen nothing wrong.

"A person has to be willing to give up everything, all the bullshit he`s been taught, all society`s brainwashing. You have to let go of all that to get to the other side."

Seems like what a normal person would do if you ask me. Who gives a rat`s ass about what society thinks? Who cares what the other thinks of you when you pass by? Seriously, who gives a shit?
Of course, you have to play a role in order to survive. You cant exist by yourself. You need people around you. But do not lose yourself in their perception. Do not give them more weight than they deserve. Hear their calling, and occasional whining. Learn if there`s anything to learn, help if there`s need to help, and move on.

Morrison made a lot of mistakes, he picked many wronged ways in order to reach "the other side". But at least he tried. At least he stepped out of the highway and took on a wooden path. And maybe he did find that place he was looking for.

"The road towards freedom - external freedom is a way to bring about internal freedom"

For me this are not the ideas of a madman. If you take away the rock`n`roll glamor and the drugs and the alcohol and you simply read his words you will find the same spirit, the same wisdom of a Jesus, or a Buddha. You will find a master.

Now, if he reached "the other side" doesn`t much matter. He found the truth that normal is madness and that the ultimate answer is in chaos.

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