Thursday 30 June 2011

I choose chaos

What are the consequences anyway? To be regarded as madman? To have fingers pointed at you? To have people asking why cant you be more like "the rest"? Why cant you do as we did? Why aren't you "normal"? What is wrong with you?
I was reading some quotes by Jim Morrison with a friend of mine and she said he was a rebel and his ideas were unacceptable from a social point of view.
I looked at them and I seen nothing wrong.

"A person has to be willing to give up everything, all the bullshit he`s been taught, all society`s brainwashing. You have to let go of all that to get to the other side."

Seems like what a normal person would do if you ask me. Who gives a rat`s ass about what society thinks? Who cares what the other thinks of you when you pass by? Seriously, who gives a shit?
Of course, you have to play a role in order to survive. You cant exist by yourself. You need people around you. But do not lose yourself in their perception. Do not give them more weight than they deserve. Hear their calling, and occasional whining. Learn if there`s anything to learn, help if there`s need to help, and move on.

Morrison made a lot of mistakes, he picked many wronged ways in order to reach "the other side". But at least he tried. At least he stepped out of the highway and took on a wooden path. And maybe he did find that place he was looking for.

"The road towards freedom - external freedom is a way to bring about internal freedom"

For me this are not the ideas of a madman. If you take away the rock`n`roll glamor and the drugs and the alcohol and you simply read his words you will find the same spirit, the same wisdom of a Jesus, or a Buddha. You will find a master.

Now, if he reached "the other side" doesn`t much matter. He found the truth that normal is madness and that the ultimate answer is in chaos.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

On death and dying...

 Remember each moment, what you are accumulating is it going to be taken away by death? - Then it is not worth bothering about. If it is not going to be taken away by death, then even life can be sacrificed for it - because one day or another life is going to disappear. Before life disappears, use the opportunity to find that which never dies.

A woman`s husband died. She was young, had only one child. she wanted to commit sati, she wanted to jump in the funeral pyre with her husband, but this small child prevented her. She had to live for this small child.
But then the small child died. Now it was too much. She went almost insane, asking people, Is there any physician anywhere who can make my child alive? I was living only for him, now my whole life is simply dark...
It happened that Buddha was coming to the town, so people said, We don't know any physician, but Buddha is coming. That is a great chance. You take the child to Buddha and tell him that, 'i am living for this child, and the child has died,' and ask him, 'You are such a great enlightened person, call him back to life! Have mercy on me!'
So she went to Buddha. She put the dead body of the child at Buddha's feet and she said, Call him back to life! you know all the secrets of life, you have attained to the ultimate peak of existence. Can't you do a small miracle for a poor woman?
Buddha said, I will do it, but there is a condition.
She said, I will fulfill any condition.
Buddha said, Settled. The condition is: you go around the town and from a house where nobody has ever died, bring few mustard seeds. That village was cultivating mustard seeds, so Buddha told her, Just go around...
The woman could not understand the strategy. She went to one house, and they said, few mustard seeds? we can bring a few bullock carts full of mustard seeds if Buddha can bring your son back to life. But our mustard seeds will not be of any help, because not one, but thousands have died in our family.
Since eternity we are here. We have seen our great-grandfather dying, we have seen our great-grandmother dying, we have seen our grandfather dying, grandmother dying. we have seen so many deaths in our family. These mustard seeds are useless. Buddha's condition is: 'from a house where nobody has ever died.

It was a small village, and she went to every house. Everybody was ready: how many seeds you want? but the condition was impossible, so many people have died in our families.
By the evening she became aware of the fact, and of the strategy of Gautama Buddha. She understood that whoever is born is going to die. So what is the point of getting the child back again? He will die again. It is better to seek the eternal, which is never born and never dies. She came back, empty-handed.

Buddha asked, where are the mustard seeds?
She laughed. In the morning she had come crying; now she laughed, and she said, you tricked me! Everybody who is born is going to die. There is no family where nobody has died - not in this village, not in the whole world. So i don't want my son to be awakened again into life - what is the point? After few days, or few months, or few years, he will have to die again. And all these years he will live in misery, in all kinds of anguish and anxiety.
Your compassion is great that you did not wake him up back to life! forget about the child. initiate me into the art of meditation so that i can go into the land, into the space of immortality, where birth and death have never happened.
Buddha said, you are a very intelligent woman. you understand the point.

I call this a miracle, not Jesus' waking up Lazarus. I don't call that a miracle. Apparently that looked like a miracle, but appearance is not the reality. I call Buddha's strategy a miracle. everybody is going to die, there is no point... one has to get out of birth and death.

And Buddha initiated the woman, and she became one of the enlightened ones among Buddha's disciples. Her urgency was such... she knew that, my husband has died, my child has died, and now it is my number. Any moment and I will be a victim of death, so there is not much time. I don't know at what moment the death is coming, so I have to be totally involved in the search, what the Buddha is telling me to do: 'go inwards. go to the very center of your being, and you will be beyond birth and death.'

This I call an authentic miracle: cutting the problem from the very roots.

by Osho

Monday 27 June 2011

Acting vs. Reacting

Today I will talk on the subject of how the mind deals with every day situations and what kind of "influence" such a decision might have on you.
I just read this blog a few minutes ago and it did seem like the "answer" I was expecting for the past few days. And Life does indeed answers our calls as long as we open our mind for it.

We are programmed to act a certain way given certain outside conditions or stimuli. Simple as that. Or at least it`s simple if you let the mind rule over you, if you fail to realize that mind is not you but a tool you use.

If you consider yourself to be the mind then you will indeed act the way you were programmed. If you consider yourself to be a "persona" playing a certain role on this plane and another person or situation comes and does something that disrupts your "perfect" existence you will immediatly respond in a defensive manner.

Negative does not necessarily mean taking a baseball bat and hitting that person over the head. Negative can also be being unpleasantly sarcastic or even indifferent.
And it is not necessarily the outcome which I consider as "negative" but the way you feel inside.

You act negative for you get defensive. Somebody or something attempts to jeopardize the idea you have of yourself. And you worked so hard to get here. You been through so many self-made hardships and you had to convince so many people that you do exist. And now somebody or something dares to be a pain? The nerve some people have...

You like your room to be tidy and somebody starts throwing your things on the floor, then your first reaction is to get displeased (or even angry) with the other. Whether you show it or not, deep inside you feel this anger eating at your core. That is what happens when you "react", when you let the mind deal with the situation.

And this is what happened to me last week when I got an email from an old acquintance who`s "indirect" purpuse was to draw me back into a series of mind games and ego clashes by taping on my old wounds and insecurities. And this is exactly what it would happen if I got this email as far as an year ago. I would have gotten angry and most likely say a few words back in order to "prove a point" and come out on top. Basically unconsciously reacting to somebody disrupting my "happy" existence.

What changed that I didn`t fall for the trick?

Rather than letting my mind answer that email I`ve chosen to be aware. I read the words, I noticed how they strike a feeling of insecurity inside of me. I tried my best to keep my composure and not give in to my desire to "teach" that person a lesson, and so the negative flow has been stopped. Instead of jumping into a roller-coaster of negative feelings and memories, I decided to keep my inner peacefulness and be a witness instead.

And so it had little to no negative effect on me. When you go through life "reacting" to the way life kicks you in the family jewelry, then you are bound to go through a lot of negativity.

When you stop that and instead try not to take things personal and realize you don`t have to be a "victim" to other peoples and situations, life will simply stop appearing like a boogie man who is after you.

Choose acting rather than reacting. Remember mind as a tool. Remember that "your" beliefs and concepts are not the ultimate truth but just a point of view, and that there are 8 billion points of view and all of them are right and all of them are wrong, all in the same time.

Simply be aware.

Sunday 12 June 2011


"Question:  How does Reincarnation work?
Many believe that the current personality experienced on Earth now will, after the change known as "death", return to the "afterlife" for a time, the Astral Planes, before eventually returning again in the "future" for another life as another person. This is actually an erroneous but understandable perspective.[...]
The process of reincarnation can be related to a wheel.
If we look at a wooden cart wheel, we see that it has a hub at the centre, spokes radiating from the hub, the spokes eventually joining the outer rim of the wheel.
In this context then the wheel represents the following: Hub - the Higher Self; Spokes - timelines relative to the Earth concept of "time"; Rim - the physical Universe of matter.
The hub, the Higher Self is the total of all physical lives and "future" lives, "past", "present" and "Future" relative to Earth concept of "time.
Each spoke represents a "timeline" for each individual experience of a personality, or "incarnation".
Each incarnation therefore represents a personality which begins at the hub, travels to Earth along a particular timeline, arriving at the rim, collects a package of experience, and then progresses back up the spoke.[...]
The Higher Self chooses which country, location and parents would best present the opportunities and experiences required for this particular "incarnation".
So the Higher Self could for example send a personality as a female in one incarnation, who will be born to a family of bakers living in London, England in the year 1862.
Another personality of the Higher Self might be a male born to a doctor and his wife living in India in 1999.
Another personality might be a son born to a Saxon noble family of land owners in early medieval times and so on.
It is important to understand that these personalities are not sent by the Higher Self sequentially, i.e. one at a time. All incarnations of a human being take place concurrently relative to the Earth concept of "time", i.e. simultaneously relative to the Higher Self - the illusion called "time" while here on Earth."

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For me the whole idea of reincarnation sounds boring, at least. Too much literature was written on this subject and maybe that`s why.
I kept hearing how outside this bidimensional world there is no time, and how everything happens in the same moment. And I can say I understood the idea. Now, thinking in retrospect I didn`t really understand it, most likely I assumed the idea and moved on.
We, on Earth, have this notion that time is linear, that now we`re doing this and in 10 years from now we will copulate with aliens and 1000 years ago we used to drink clean water.
The idea that time moves in a circle (even if I read about it before) was never something which can turn into a life-style. Now thinking about it, it does make it easier to think about the possibility to time-travel and to look at the whole process as indeed happening in the same time. If you die tomorrow and you (well, not literaly you but your soul) have the possibility to reincarnate not only after but even before your current existance, let`s say 2500 years ago and be a witness of Alexander`s empire, then our whole existance, our entire dogma is to be questioned.
I guess our current idea of time is one of the strongholds of the ego. You get born, you live, have children, and then you die. It all happens in the past, present and future. However, if there is no time, at least in my case, having and clinging to the idea of an ego gets very wonky. If I can die tomorrow and be revived prior to my latest existance, then there is nothing to base a "persona" upon. Who is this idea of me as long as my existance is not even liniar? I can move throught time, getting born here and there according to my life plan and to what I`m interested in experimenting at a certain "time".
I am as fluid as the ocean, or so I thought. Now i start to wonder if the ocean doesn`t hold even more "weight" than I ever did. How can someone say he is the sum of his history and his becoming if he can simply travel in time and change it and start all over again? Just go back, patch a few things and voila you are a completely different person.
And more than that, by changing yourself in this current life, you change "yourself" in all of your existences, as they all happen in the same moment. Everything happens Now.
Well, in this case, you - that which you consider yourself to be and what you stand for today - are not real. You are not even a figment of your own imagination. You and I, we do not exist. We are nothing but an experiment of something greater than we can ever imagine.
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