Saturday 14 January 2012

Manifesting the Unmanifested

Creation/imagination is limitation. Every time you have a thought you limit your boundlessness.

Every time you build something you contract the universal into a single dot. You create matter from condensed particles. From the point of view of the universal unlimited potential an object is something dead. Even if newly created, it is bound to die one day. Everything around us is bound to die because that condensed energy longs to be free. Sooner or later every object, be it a planet or a human body will go back to the elements from which it was created.

Even self-awareness is limitation, you are aware of your own body or a thought, both being objects.
Everything you perceive with your 5 senses (6 if you consider the intuition) is an object - a landscape, the moon, your thoughts. They are all objects.

They are all your creation, the way in which you manifest into this world.

If you stop objectifying your surroundings you live in a perpetual state of the unmanifested. You are nothing and everything, the alpha and omega if that sounds more familiar.
There is nothing there but still everything appears out of that nothingness. "Nothing" becomes something. The something (the objects we see around) are an illusion of our senses. It is also true that if it takes "nothing" to be something then why not be everything? Because nothing is limited so you can truly have everything. Everything you ever wanted.

That sounds good in theory but I guess it is harder to put in practice. Not because it`s really "hard" but because it takes faith to go for the last yards and accomplish that "something".
And then funnily enough you achieve that "something" followed by the "everything" for then to realize you are still not satisfied. Something is missing.

Yeah but, remember how we just said that everything is born out of "nothing". Well then everything is as good as nothing. You tried to manifest the unmanifested, to limit the boundlessness, and you got a fraction of the whole package. No matter how much you accumulate it will still not be enough. It will not feel complete.
So the secret is to be the unmanifested instead. Don't limit yourself to be that or the other, to be rich or to have the perfect spouse or to travel the world. They are just limitations.

So this might represent an answer to the question why we are here. We are nothing but a manifestation of the unmanifested in a material plane. But why do we need to separate ourselves from the wholeness and come here? What is it to learn? Why do we have to feel divided and to long for reuniting with the source? I still to find an answer to that question. That if there is answer.

Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year`s Resolutions

...are bound to fail. You make a "promise" to yourself to do that or the other. However you try to change the effect by neglecting the cause. The cause is who you are and not what you do. You cannot get different results by being the same person you were until now. You cannot do different things when your subconscious is still conditioned by your old perks.
Want to change your life in the year to come? Then I suggest you first drastically change who you are.

For example let`s take one case. He`s been searching for oneness and enlightenment for a while now. Every path he took seemed promising in the beginning but in the end didn`t bring him any "tangible" results. That was what he asked for - results. However results are the award of the logical mind. You can ask for results when you start a business or learn a profession.

Results are the product of the material world. The thing he was looking for was not. The "awards" for his immaterial journey could not be material. They cannot be quantified in this plane. Maybe they can be quantified in another dimension, but not here.

Looking for "tangible" result here means only that his spiritual journey was not 100% spiritual after all. Maybe it was hiding some social aspirations as well, like getting smarter or richer. He wanted the best of both worlds and in the end he didn`t get very far. He was attending the effects while all this time the cause was neglected.

But that is just a case. Most new year`s resolutions are about getting to be more successful or thinner, once again using the same means and hoping to arrive to different end results. Somebody once said this is crazy and he was right. You might win a few battles but the war will be won by who and what you are and all your temporary victories will vanish if you don`t respect this simple rule. It`s all about cause and effect. Attend the cause first and you won`t even have to bother with the effects anymore. They will improve by themselves.
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