Sunday 11 September 2011

What is true?

A week or so ago I read a book by a guy who says he reached enlightenment. The method he was teaching his pupils was for them to simply discover "the truth" out of everything else.

"Think for yourself and figure out what’s true. That’s it. Ask yourself what’s true until you know."

So far so good. It didn`t help me that much but it was a good place to start.

"It`s about finding out what we know for c e r t a i n and everything else."

I wrote down a couple of things that resonated to what I hold to be true. Truth is that which was not created and what will never reach an ending. However there was no break through, no new discovery, no "Evrika!".

Until tonight, when a paragraph from Eckhart Tolle made some light. It is not the first time when life gave me some answers even if with a short delay and when I was nowhere waiting for it.

"If in your relationship you experience both love and the opposite of love - attack, emotional violence, and so on - then it is likely that you are confusing ego attachment and addictive clinging with love. [..] True love has no opposite. If your love has an opposite, then it is not love but a strong ego-need for a more complete and deeper sense of your self, a need that the other person cannot meet for you. It is the ego's substitute for salvation or God."

It is not something I never heard before. But somehow tonight it stroke a chord inside of me and suddenly there was light.
Eckhart is talking about love relationships. I`m talking about everything in life:

Whichever has an opposite is fake.

Simple as that, plus the answer to the question of "what is true". Whichever doesn`t have an opposite is the truth I have been waiting for.

This can be used in any situation life presents you with. If your happiness is "because" of something and in the absence of that thing you will start feeling miserable then the whole situation is not true - that for happiness vs. sadness but it`s the same for everything else which has an opposite.

All the opposite principles are representatives of duality, we live in a dual world after all. All those that do not have an opposite come from the world of non-duality and are those that will survive our mortal death.

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